No Pictures? No Problem!

I've actually been excited about this opportunity to set reading goals. Lately I've been struggling with reading in my new classes. It's easy for me to get distracted or uninterested if a reading takes too long or if there are no pictures, however, I do realize that reading is a huge part of becoming an educated person. So, I am excited to use some new strategies to make reading for school work for me.

Here are my goals:

  1. make a plan for note taking
  2. summarize what I am reading in my head or in the margins
  3. keep a list of questions I have as I read
Since reading vary in my classes, I think it would be smart and beneficial to make a note-taking strategy so I don't spend too much time and effort on any reading that's less important and so that I spend enough time to understand very important or difficult readings. Summarizing will help me check myself for comprehension. And finally, keeping a list of questions will help me participate more fully in my classes.

Can't wait to get the most out of my readings this semester!


  1. Your last two goals are the same as mine! I definitely have seen these goals help me focus as I read.


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