After the Research

This paper was really interesting to write! I wrote about how media changed people's minds on women's role in society during the Victorian era. Some strategies that worked during my paper writing process include picking something that interested me and had lots of sources, making an outline, and using the Research and Writing Center in the library. Some goals I'd like to set for my next paper are to write my paper over a longer span of time. I saved most of my paper for the weekend which made my weekend stressful and busy.

Here's something I didn't realize! We still hold a lot of the same values in our current American Mormon culture that the Victorians held in the 19th century. Women are, or at least have been recently, designated mothers and homemakers by our culture and traditions. We also value modesty of women regarding clothing, though our dress is very different from theirs. I felt like I could understand the Victorian values a little more now that I made that connection.


  1. This was the most interesting topic I had ever heard of. (If I get the job) I could be a research assistant in Denver studying the effects media has on children ages 1-3. Media is a huge influence!! I'd love to read your paper.

  2. I like how you related the women in the Victorian Era with Mormon Culture today! It can be hard to relate to people in the past, but you made a hard subject to relate more familiar

  3. I love how you picked a topic that you were interested about. I think that was why I didn't dread writing this paper so much because it was a topic that was important to me! I think your topic sounds super interesting too, I would love to read your paper!


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